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Articles in press

Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. More info

Surgical avulsion of the nail plate as therapy for resistant onychomycosis: case series and literature review
José Antônio Jabur da Cunha, Fernanda Santana Barbosa, Gustavo de Sá Menezes Carvalho, John Verrinder Veasey
Full text access
Available online 21 October 2024
Lobomycosis: single lesion on the lip
Kananda Kesye Sousa Nunes, Carlos Alberto Chirano Rodrigues, Antonio Pedro Mendes Schettini, Sinésio Talhari
Full text access
Available online 6 September 2024
Pyoderma gangrenosum triggered by secukinumab in a patient with palmoplantar pustulosis
Huizhong Wang, Jingru Sun
Full text access
Available online 3 September 2024
Diagnosis of glomus tumor and preoperative mapping with ultrasonography
Athos Paulo Santos Martini, Ariel Córdova Rosa, Marcelo Rigatti, Gabriella Di Giunta Funchal, Matheus Hariel Colin Torres, Matheus Alves Pacheco
Full text access
Available online 2 September 2024
Extra-follicular cutaneous manifestations of frontal fibrosing alopecia
Aline Donati, Isabelle I. Hue Wu
Full text access
Available online 30 August 2024
Mimicking urticaria: a Schnitzler syndrome case
Kelielson Cardoso de Macêdo Cruz, Daniela de Abreu e Silva Martinez, Danielle Carvalho Quintella, Tullia Cuzzi, Sergio Duarte Dortas Junior, Solange Oliveira Rodrigues Valle
Full text access
Available online 27 August 2024
Apocrine poroma: a case with multiple lesions
Natalia Scardua Mariano Alves, Bianca Cristina Dantas, Luana Rytholz Castro, Bethânia Cabral Cavalli Swiczar, Neusa Yuriko Sakai Valente
Full text access
Available online 26 August 2024
Confocal reflectance microscopy in basal cell carcinoma associated with nevus sebaceous: case report
Ingrid Priscila Ribeiro Paes Ferraz, Gustavo Carvalho, Juliana Casagrande Tavoloni Braga, Rafaela Brito de Paula, André Molina
Full text access
Available online 26 August 2024
Guselkumab, Risankizumab, and Tildrakizumab demonstrate parallel effectiveness and safety in psoriasis treatment: a head-to-head comparative study in real clinical practice
Miguel Mansilla-Polo, Antonio Sahuquillo-Torralba, Conrad Pujol-Marco, Guillermo Bargues-Navarro, Rafael Botella-Estrada
Full text access
Available online 14 August 2024
Update on the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
Paulo Ricardo Criado, Hélio Amante Miot, Roberto Bueno-Filho, Mayra Ianhez, Roberta Fachini Jardim Criado, Caio César Silva de Castro
Full text access
Available online 14 August 2024
Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
en pt
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